06 September, 2008

Ich fuehle mich wie ein Dino.

I am sitting here staring into my fan, not moving far from the aloe gel, and sunburnt all for Harry Potter.  I feel reptilian, not enough skin and weirdly stretched.  Today was the Activities Fair/every possible organization that no one really cares about gets a table out on Martin's Way to advertise to unsuspecting freshmen who will write their names down and receive unending emails.  It also happened to be the hottest day since I've been back, and I wasn't well prepared for being in the direct sun.  Jen Strater and I took the first two hours, bravely manning our table next to the College Democrats and the EMTs, trying to keep everything from blowing away with all the random, strong wind gusts.  We did manage to get a lot of people to sign up, though no male people, which continues to be a bit of a problem.  But I think more people will show up at our interest meeting on Sunday.  

When I finished frying myself, I repeated the first hour of my morning and yelled at my computer again for not connecting to the internet.  I realized how pathetically dependent I am on being able to go online, but that realization did not stop me from calling ITS three times and eventually taking my ailing computer to the Help Desk and just making them do it there.  Of course, only one thing had to be clicked, not that I had any idea what it was.  But it is healed now, yay.

All of that, Iron Man again, and my Witchcraft class built my day today.  Witchcraft might be my favorite class, because again, best professor ever, little work, and also it's about witchcraft.  We are always talking about the line between magic and religion.  BUT IS THERE ONE?  IS THERE?  And about how all these things got added the Judeo/Christian traditions and texts but now almost no one knows what they started out as.  Who knows the difference between Satan, Lucifer, Beezlebub, and Belial, hmmm?  (On another note, we are reading The Pilgrim's Progress in my Print Culture class and it features another pagan god that got rewritten as the devil, Apollyon, and this book is INSANE.  There's a board game of it.  Where is it?  Can I play it?)  

In other important news, Jon Stewart is performing at Hamilton on November 14.  He's the next in the Great Names series.  This is after the election so it is bound to be interesting anyway.  I'm so excited.

Last night I drove my friends to get sushi in another attempt to increase my awareness of where I am and how to travel like a normal person.  And we got to eat at a good Japanese restaurant too.  We returned, went to the Kooks concert for maybe 10 minutes, it was a billion degrees in there and gross, we left, went to the choir concert in the crazy Buffers suite, it was even more degrees and smelly, and we left again.  Somewhere in there was some time at the Pub.

Speaking of the Pub, three friends and I have officially formed a trivia team.  We did well last week.  Not well enough to place, but well above a lot of the other teams.  We are Here for the Beer, and I can say I proudly contributed the Stephen Colbert answer, the tuberculosis answer, and half of the failed 2004 conventions answer.  All we really want are the winners' t-shirts at the end.

Next Tuesday I start kayaking, but am a little worried now after my bizarre dream in which my instructor, Andrew Jillings, had actually been dead for many years and had been replaced by a British author who hated his life and the spotlight - a secret only a few friends and the officers of HOC knew about.  Weird.

Gute Nacht, bis spaeter.

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